Научная сессия и заседание Учёного совета

28.10.2020 9:30

Повестка дня:

1. А. Шестаков. Исследование магнитных свойств Hg0.865Mn0.135Te методом электронного спинового резонанса ( по материалам статьи Aleksei V. Shestakov; Ilshat I. Fazlizhanov; Ivan V. Yatsyk; Maryam I. Ibragimova; Rushana M. Eremina. IEEE Magnetics Letters 2020)

Mercury chalcogenide (Hg 0.865 Mn 0.135 Te) monocrystal was grown by crystallization from a two-phase mixture with replenishment of the melt from a tellurium solution and has n-type conductivity. The electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of a single crystal were studied before and after X-irradiation. Only one intense anisotropic ESR line was observed at 4.2 K before X-irradiation. The anisotropy parameters were established from the angular dependence of the resonance field of the ESR line. After X-irradiation, three ESR lines were registered in the spectrum. The first and second lines with a large g -factor and unusual temperature dependencies were associated with charge carriers localized on defects with the strong exchange interaction with the manganese ion spins. The third ESR narrowed line was identified as signal from Mn 2+ ions. Estimated anisotropic exchange parameters from angular dependencies of magnetic resonance field depend on temperature. The temperature dependencies of ESR linewidths are well described by the Korringa law and spin-lattice relaxation contributions. The discontinuities in temperature dependencies of resonance field and linewidth at 18 and 65 K were observed.

2. А.А. Чукланов. «Механический и термически индуцированный магнитоупругий эффект в планарных микрочастицах различной формы» (Доклад в связи с выдвижением на должность снс)

3. Разное

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